As frequent sailors on Lake Erie, we often pass by the Lorain West Breakwater Lighthouse aboard our sailboat, Journey. Sailing in and out of Lorain Harbor, I’ve witnessed the lighthouse as the silhouette star of countless breathtaking sunsets. One such example is shown below of the lighthouse eclipsing the sunset. Over time, it’s become a very special landmark to me, more than just a navigational marker.
One exceptionally calm late summer evening, I decided to capture the lighthouse in a different way. I ventured out to the end of Lorain Harbor’s Mile-Long Pier, tripod and camera in hand. Usually, as the sun dips below the horizon, the mosquitoes emerge. But on this beautiful, still night, I was so engrossed in the scene, if they were there, I hardly noticed. The harbor was the calmest I had ever seen.
It was a very dark night, with no moon to illuminate the scene. However, the Lorain Lighthouse itself was brilliantly lit, its exterior casting a wonderful glow out at the end of the breakwall. This contrast between the darkness and the lighthouse’s radiance was captivating.
I set up my tripod and took several 25-second long-exposure images of the lighthouse. I was eager to see the results on a larger screen, and when I finally did, they completely exceeded my expectations. The water was so incredibly still and the red glow of the lighthouse light not only transformed the gray roof into a brilliant red, but it also reflected across the harbor like a laser beam, straight to my camera lens.
It was an exceptional experience that I’ll never forget. I feel incredibly fortunate to have captured that moment of perfect calm and vibrant light. A large acrylic print of the image now hangs proudly on the wall of my home, a constant reminder of that magical evening at the Lorain Lighthouse.