What about me?
traveling the world to bring you what i see
Hello, I'm Les
My life is a journey, both literally and figuratively. My tax accountant background gave me a nerdy knack for details that transcend not only my photography, but also the many interests that inspire my images. My wife and I enjoy exploring North America in our RV, spending summers sailing Lake Erie on our sailboat, Journey, and occasionally cruising the world. These adventures fuel my passion for photography, capturing everything from sweeping landscapes and wildlife encounters to the quiet beauty of my backyard, Cuyahoga Valley National Park. I’m a firm believer in trying new things, which explains my strange mix of skills—from RV and boat maintenance (a constant learning experience!) to home improvement projects and even a little bit of tech (I built this website!). My camera is always in hand, ready to document the journey and the stories that unfold along the way. So, explore my galleries, join me on Instagram, and check out my blog for tales from the road (and sea!).